Well, hopefully everyone is surviving this cold winter weather!
January Headlamp Run |
I've been taking multiple days off in a row due to the extended cold snaps here in Indiana. Lately it has moderated just a little bit and I have actually been able to get in some runs. For the month of January, I was able to run on 16 days which is pretty remarkable considering how cold and snowy it has been. The warmest run was 54 degrees and the coldest was 23 degrees (just yesterday). I have had to change to afternoon runs in order to get the warmest part of the day and have shortened some of the runs considerably. The longest run for the month was 11.43 miles and the shortest was only 0.51 miles.
Also, on more than one occasion I actually walked out my icy/snowy driveway in shoes and then stuffed my shoes in the mailbox once I reached the road and started my route. This allowed me to complete a somewhat dry run without freezing my feet for the first and last 0.06 miles! As I tell many people, the key to cold weather running is to avoid the moisture at all costs. This is a pretty difficult proposition in Indiana when you may not see the sun for weeks at a time. The other side of that coin is that once the precipitation comes through, the temperatures usually rise to "around freezing" so it's almost a Catch-22...it's finally warming up...but now it's wet again, argh!!
The other difficulty, especially this winter is the amount of salt the road crews are putting down on these surfaces. As I like to call it: "Meat Tenderizer!" This not only irritates the skin on your feet, it also eats up the road itself. And the pot-holes are continuing to get bigger as the roads crumble with each successive freeze and thaw. Some sections on Anthony Road, I feel like I'm running on a gravel road!
But alas, there are still some good days to run and I am enjoying the much needed rest on my many "off" days. Hopefully the weather will continue to moderate and I can get back to some higher mileages in the next few weeks.
Happy Winter Running All!
Barefoot Dan
January Mileage = 77.5 miles