Singapore by Headlamp |
Rainy Indonesia |
God is good and by His Grace I was able to run in a brand new country this month: Indonesia. I also ran once again in both Malaysia and Singapore this past month as well as many runs right here in Indiana. The middle of the month was consumed by a 10 day business trip to Asia but this allowed me to get away from the rainy Indiana weather...only to find even more rain over in Asia! While I basically went to all the same places as last year on my Asian trip, this time we stayed overnight on the Island of Batam (Indonesia) which allowed me the chance to get my first ever run in that country...fourteen barefoot countries, and counting!
Malacca Long Run |
Last week was my biggest week of the year so far mileage wise (45 miles) and this was also my biggest month of the year (147 miles). I seem to have finally gotten out of my winter-funk and can string together some longer far this week I've already run a 13 miler and a 9 this morning I slacked off with a 1 miler. Sometimes you just have to rest a little!
Welcome back to Indiana - stubbed toe! |
A couple of days after getting back from Asia I was on a nice 13 miler and feeling pretty good when all of a sudden I dragged the left toe (again) just slightly and stubbed it pretty good...really made me mad too since it has been over a year since I did it last time!! This picture is actually 24 hours later but it was still throbbing pretty good the next day. Even though I had this injury, I never took a day off and it never really affected my running (although I have been a lot more CAREFUL lately!)
I also got the pool open once I got back from Asia and was pleased that it only took a couple of days to get going (chemically) with no major equipment repairs this year...although I did find a few tadpoles living in the cover since I got a later than normal start this year with the business trip and also the cooler weather. This also changes my morning routine as I'm able to dive into the pool after each morning run...although 70 degrees is a little cool for a morning dip...hopefully warmer temps are just around the corner.
Pool is open - green to blue in 48 hours! |
We didn't go to the Indy Race (as usual) but did have a nice relaxing Memorial Day Weekend. On Monday we took the girls over to Turkey Run State Park and got in a couple of nice trail hikes despite the huge crowd which apparently had the same idea!
Memorial Day Hike at Turkey Run SP |
The "strenuous" trail was quite nice and offered some great views between the 3 different wooden ladders which are part of this particular trail. However, the most strenuous part was waiting behind the 3 dozen other people at the top and bottom of each ladder. But, all in all, it was a very enjoyable day with excellent weather.
Our family is looking forward to a nice relaxing summer.
God Bless,
Barefoot Dan
(May Mileage = 147.4 miles)