I hope everyone is enjoying the transition to Fall and the back to school season. Typically, I don't like summer coming to an end, but in this case, I've had enough of this super hot weather. While it is still warm, it's now much easier to find good barefoot running temps in the mornings. I've really enjoyed the month of August and continuing to increase my per run mileage. The first weekend I turned in my first ever 16.25 mile run, on my course which goes straight up Anthony Road all the way to the Tipton County line and back. This is also the course I hurt myself on back in February so it was nice to once again conquer it instead of it conquering me. After each long run, I'm still taking a lot of time off to give my feet time to recover. I take as many as 5 days off after a long run and then may only do 1 or 2 miles that first day back. In fact, I only ran 10 times this whole month which is really pretty low, but again, rest has been the key to my ability to increase my per run mileage in hopes of running a Fall marathon this year.
Also in the month of August, construction began on the installation of a new concrete driveway at my house. I say "began" because the project has been ongoing for 2 weeks now and is still only about halfway done. But, I'm not complaining...it will be NICE when it's done. I will enjoy being able to start my barefoot runs right from my porch instead of having to walk the gravel drive out to the road. While recovering from my 16 miler, I ran an ad hoc 8.33 miler on some new roads around my house. I call it "ad hoc" because I actually was only out to run a 3.1 and it felt so good I went for the 8.33.
The new road was actually a repaving of Hinkle road just 1 mile east of my house. The super smooth road was an absolute pleasure to run on, but was also not so great as I got back on Hwy 38 to run it home. The 2 week old asphault, while nice and smooth, had deposited little bits of tar all over my soles which then allowed me to pick up every little rock and glued it to my feet! I had to stop 3 different times to brush off my feet since the little rocks just wouldn't fall off on their own. I'll avoid that road for another few weeks until the asphalt cures a little more!
Then that very next weekend, I ran my first ever 18.35 miler! Woo Hoo! This was also on the out and back to Tipton Co. Line with an extra Deming loop added on. I felt really good but almost didn't do the extra loop due to some TOFP (Top of Foot Pain) in the left foot. It was way up high, almost in my ankle, but way far away from my earlier 2nd metatarsal issues so I wasn't too worried. But I did the loop anyway to get the mileage. After the run, I felt I had JUST taken myself right up to the limit, and then stopped. Sounds great! But over the next 48 hours I realized I had overdone it once again. Then, when I went out on Thursday for a test 1 miler, I still felt pain, so I've continued to take more time off. During this down time, I had two business trips, one to New York and one to Austin TX.

Well, everyone enjoy your cooler Fall temps and stay safe out there.
Barefoot Dan
August Mileage = 65 miles (weekly mileage: 21, 9, 28, 1, 6)