Hello Barefooters,
Well the trip to the UK went well. I went barefoot for the first night I got there (last Thurs) but only went 1 mile. The sore spot was better, but the pavement was all wet and littered with small pebbles and sticks. I decided then and there to switch over to the Vibrams for all the rest of my runs on that trip. I got to visit Bath, Stonehenge, and Lands End over the weekend.

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday this week I ran an out-and-back 5 miler from the hotel each morning before work. The route is along a busy road and the path goes from pavement to gravel and is littered with a lot of sticks and vines. This coupled with the fact that the runs were all in the dark necessitated the use of the Vibrams. But it was nice to put in some speed and not worry about the wet surfaces. Believe it or not the Vibrams actually started giving me blisters on the back of my heels where the upper heel cup squares off. Other that that the Vibrams were really comfortable and 15 miles on back-to-back-to-back days was a first.

The weather was nice ranging from 39F to 45F with a little wind and rain mixed in. So when I got back to the states, I put in a nice 6 miler on Friday (still in the Vibrams) and continued to enjoy the increased speed. Today, Saturday, I went out and did a true barefoot one mile in the 25 degree Indiana weather. It was my coldest run yet and a good test of the healing feet. I could have gone longer but decided to stop and call it a week. Didn't need any more meatball pictures (oh and thank you all for your concern!! couldn't believe all the comments I got on the last posting...believe it or not, it wasn't as bad as it looked)

The other nice thing about today's run is that I got to try out my new toy...Garmin Forerunner 405CX, an early Christmas present to myself! This "watch" tracked my entire run and downloaded it wirelessly to my computer where I could see my avg. speed, heart rate, and even elevation gain/loss all on it's own little web page. It's quite impressive. I guess now that I'm not spending any money on shoes, I can spend more on my watch...what is wrong with this picture?! Oh well, it may give me some more motivation to get out and brave the cold this winter...still not looking forward to those super cold Jan/Feb mornings...Brrr!!
Happy Barefooting All,
(BF) Dan
Feel like I have to leave the "BF" in parenthesis until I shed the Vibrams again!
Total barefoot miles last week = 5.1 miles
Total miles this week = 22 miles (21 in Vibrams!)